Naruto: Shippuden is an anime series primarily adapted from the second part of Masashi Kishimoto’s original manga series, with a total of 500 episodes. This newly released Sakura sex doll is a 2023 creation based on the real manga character Sakura Haruno (春野サクラ).
Sakura is a beloved character among most Naruto Shippuden manga fans. Standing at 159cm tall, she features iconic pink hair and mesmerizing blue eyes. Sakura wears her unique red and white ninja outfit and seductively plays with shurikens. The realistic skin detail design instantly ignites your sexual fantasies of experiencing a true ninja.
The Sakura sex doll is made entirely of high-quality TPE material, making it appear as if the lifelike Sakura is standing right in front of you. Are you willing to become her beloved Sasuke and spend a passionate night together?
Note: The clothes will not be shipped.
PS: If this is your first time learning about Sakura Haruno and you have developed a strong interest in her, this article will help you get to know her better: “Sakura Haruno Character Introduction“.