Violet Evergarden is a cartoon character in a Japanese light novel series written by Kana Akatsuki and illustrated by Akiko Takase. This super realistic Violet Evergarden sex doll is made according to the real manga character in Violet Evergarden, her body is realistically proportioned, with full breasts, a slim waist, and long, shapely legs. She is dressed in a beautiful uniform, complete with a skirt, blouse, and hair rope. The realistic design of this doll makes it perfect for all kinds of sexual play. Her flexible skeleton and soft platinum silicone body make it easy to enjoy various positions and positions of pleasure.
Height: 156 cm | 5ft1 |
Weight: 30 kg | 66.1 lbs |
Bra Size: F-Cup |
Feet Length: 21cm | 8.3″ |
Bust: 76.5 cm | 30.1″ |
Legs Length: 2 ft 7 in / 80 cm |
Waist: 50 cm | 19.7″ |
Arms Length: 2 ft 2 in / 65 cm |
Hip: 87.5 cm | 34.4″ |
Shoulders Width: 34.5 cm | 13.6″ |
Vagina Depth: 17cm | 6.7″ |
Anus Depth: 16cm | 6.3″ |
Oral Depth: N/A |
Brand: Gamelady |