Mechanical Era Type B, also known as 2B, is a fictional android from the spin-off game NieR: Automata, part of the Drakengard series. Neil type 2B features short white hair and blue-gray eyes, with a black blindfold over her eyes. She wears a high-slit Gothic-style dress adorned with lace patterns on the chest, paired with black over-the-knee stockings and black thigh-high boots. Her subtly visible white panties add an element of allure and sensuality.
This life-size Neil Type 2B sex doll is crafted from TPE by the renowned anime sex doll manufacturer Qita Doll. The doll comes dressed in the same custom-made outfit depicted in the images. If you’re looking for a lifelike game character companion with a focus on erotic and fetishistic clothing, consider this sex doll. She promises to bring an adult and sexually-themed gaming experience! Use the coupon code “fav100” for a $100 discount and purchase now!